Quick Start

This page describes how to easily run a demo page with LIQA inside

Request access

To get access to LIQA SDK materials, please contact Haut.AI website.

Package overview

The LIQA package is distributed with a pre-constructed demo page that demonstrates all technical aspects of LIQA library work.

  • The LIQA code is located in liqa folder

  • The demo page materials are located in liqa/demo folder

Run demo page

The demo page requires Node.js to be installed on your computer.

If Node.js is not installed, please follow the instructions at https://nodejs.org/en/ to correctly install it for your system.

The demo page requires Vue to be installed on your system. Install Vue via command.

npm install -g @vue/cli
  • Now follow to the directory where the LIQA is located

  • Build LIQA package:

cd liqa
npm install
  • Then, run the Vue demo:

cd demo
npm install
  • Run the local server:

npm run serve
  • Open localhost:8080 in your browser.

Demo page with custom settings

LIQA config contains settings. You can modify them in a file: liqa/demo/src/config.js.

  • Shut down the running server (Ctrl+C)

  • Modify the config file, and do not forget to save the changes

  • Restart the server by calling npm run serve

Last updated